Steeda's pedal stop adjusts the height of the clutch pedal for better driving comfort and optimum pedal travel. The factory pedal placement puts the clutch about two inches above the brake pedal. Aftermarket quadrants lower the pedal down a little, but exactly how much varies based on the design of the quadrant, and can't be adjusted. Either way, the result is a compromise as some people prefer the pedal higher or lower. In addition, some racing clutches release very quickly and require the pedal travel to be shortened to prevent damage to the diaphragm.
Adjustable cable and quadrant kits have been used for years to adjust the tension of the clutch cable, but they don't adjust the height of the pedal when your foot is off the clutch. That height is fixed in place by the design of the quadrant. Steeda's new pedal stop adjusts the height of the pedal with the simple turn of bolt. Installation is simple and requires no drilling. Note: This part requires the use of an aftermarket non-adjustable clutch quadrant and an adjustable cable or firewall cable adjuster.
- Optimum pedal travel
- Better driving comfort
- Precise pedal height adjustment
WARNING: California Residents: Cancer and Reproductive Harm;
- Installation Difficulty:
- Tech Recommended
- Tools Required:
- Basic Shop Tools
- Estimated Install Time:
- (approx.) 1 Hour
- Vehicle Fitment:
- 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
- Vehicle Trim:
- V6
- Vehicle Trim:
- GT
- Vehicle Trim:
- Cobra
- Origin:
- Made in the USA